WIP Wednesday #9

Really?  I’ve only done this *9* times???  It seems like so many more…  I think it just makes you realize what you are and aren’t getting finished….


If you want to see what everyone, *in the know* is working on, click on the link below.

As for me and my house…

It’s a disaster.  I have WAY too many WIPs going on.  I don’t like this feeling of not getting anything completed.

At all.

I did complete several unphotographed smalls items.  Got some charity items made and donated.  Got a couple of small gifty items, made, and in the mail, but big items, completed?


My  Kaffe Fassett take on the Jane Austen quilt is still spread on the floor I walk on everyday.  It’s making me crazy.  Especially since it was to be something I worked on when I had no other machine work to do.  NO.  It’s way to tempting and I just keep walking on it and adding a few pieces here and there and then walking over/on it some more.  It will be well-worn by the time it’s basted up for quilting.  I have collected his fabrics for quite a while and was saving them, for what? I did not know.  But this pattern, struck me as being so right, what with the bright white and the brightness of his pinks and reds. I’m not sure how large this will become, but for now, it is leaning towards a large throw, but there is nothing to say it can’t grow for years, if it ages that well, anyway….

I got the back pieced for my version of Moda‘s Sunkissed Squares.

It is now pin basted, ready for the hand quilting.  Got the bias binding made for this 45″ square blankie, too.  The lighting was weird, today….  Believe it or not, it is a beautiful bright white.

Also got the back of a mystery quilt finished to get it all pin basted together and ready for quilting, too.

Also started working on getting my book titles and fonts together for my Stack of Books quilt.  All the family contributed names and I have way more than I want to embroider….

Now I just need to work on learning to embroidery things other that my initials……

And no more than 5  threads put into this one.  That is how I track how much I’ve hand quilted.  The number of thread lengths.  5 in a week is not worth counting.

And certainly not worth the time to count up the percentage of finished….

But it does look like an excuse for another road trip, to me….

Don’t you think????

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7 Responses to WIP Wednesday #9

  1. Heather McCormack-Moon says:

    Come on down!


  2. Carla V. says:

    Amazing! You have a lot going on but it all looks awesome. Good luck on all.


  3. Becky says:

    Your Jane Austen quilt is gorgeous! It doesn’t hurt that I love Jane Austen as well. 😉


  4. Leanne says:

    Your quilts are all looking great and I like that quilt back too, very modern.


  5. Pingback: Swoon…. |

  6. Rebecca says:

    i totally understand the walking on/over a design that you just can’t bear to put away!! i paint myself into that corner all the time :o) the jane austen quilt looks really amazing, as do all your other projects. the hounds-tooth is so cool!


  7. Pingback: Are there any ugly fabric, quilt challenges out there?? |

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