Helpful Links

No need to reinvent the wheel writing up a lengthy tutorial when there are so many fabulous ones around the web. That leaves more time to sew, I say!!

How to insert an Invisible Zipper.
It is not as hard as you are making it out to be! Colette Patterns has the easiest to understand video I have ever seen. No more holes or hand stitching at the bottom. Yay!!

Starting Square Sizes for cutting continuous bias binding.

How to make continuous bias binding.
Elizabeth at Such a Sew and Sew explains it better than I could, we do it the same way. I always start with a square of 44″ fabric and I cut my strips 2 3/4″ wide. It makes a lot of binding!

The perfect ending to a perfect binding.
How to finish off the bias ends, of  your binding in a simple mathematical way, by Nettie at Amy’s Creative Side.

How to make a hyperlink.
This is the easiest way ever. I just copy and paste the first link listed, under the word “Code”.

<a href=””>Hyperlink Code</a>

then copy and paste the web address I want hyperlinked, (you know where you click on a highlighted word or phrase and it takes you somewhere?), over their

and then type over where theirs says “hyperlink code” whatever word you want highlighted. Because I am constantly using this on Flickr, I type the phrase “Blogged about”, prior to any of this, then add the word “here” over their “Hyperlink Code” phrase. Many people only use the word “Blogged”.

I now need to finish fixing all links on my photos :/

If that doesn’t make sense, just ask and I’ll see if I can’t make it clearer.

Talk to me people. I get tired of talking to myself!