Da Plane, Da Plane

If God had really intended men to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport.  ~George Winters

And then again….. on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, you are sitting in your space, minding your own business, doing what you do on any given Sunday when you hear it coming. And you wonder…… how fast can you run?

You grab the camera and head out to stare.

I’m glad we took those bushes out for  better oogling.

And what a looker it was.
It landing, went down the runway for a turn around only to take off, again.
Here it is heading down the runway to turn around.

He did a fly by, a couple of weeks ago, but we didn’t have the camera ready, then.
P was on top of it this day.

And he’s off.

It makes me wonder if this is the same way the farmers felt when Orville and Wilber flew low over Hoffman Prairie in the early days of flying.

What a nice touch to a beautiful winter day.

back to work we go….

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