The thing about reading blogs…

is there is always something you didn’t know you needed until you see someone else makes it!

When I saw what Allison, at Cluck, Cluck Sew, had made, I went digging around until I found a our youngest’s most precious baby doll, Amy, tucked away for safekeeping.

Madame Alexander Huggums doll

This doll is the Madame Alexander Huggums doll. The perfect size for a first birthday baby doll. Our youngest lugged it everywhere she went for years. It is the same doll our granddaughter has.

I took her out, took some measurements, she is a 12″ doll for reference, and drew up a pattern for a sleeping bag of sorts. Allison has measurements for a larger doll, she calls it a baby wrap.

Baby Wrap pattern @ sewfrench

You get the idea.

Baby doll wrap tutorial @ Sewfrench

I cut my fabrics several inches larger than the pattern, sandwiched my fabrics, the front material, a scrap of cotton batting and then the back fabric. I did this for the back and a second set for the front pocket. I machine quilted them using a wide loose zigzag. It is  hard to see in the picture. If you aren’t happy with your machine quilting skills a busy pattern works well.

Baby Doll Sleeping Bag tutorial  @ Sewfrench

Same for the front pocket. Once the quilting was complete, I cut them to the pattern size.

Baby Wrap tutorial @ Sewfrench

I allowed an extra couple of inches at the top, of the pocket to make it easier for an 18 month old to stuff her baby in. This tapered down to the exact size, front and back, at the bottom. You don’t have to do this especially if your little one is a bit older.

Baby Wrap @ Sewfrench

I then bound the top edge of the front, same as I would a quilt. Then basted the front and back together and bound the entire baby wrap/sleeping bag whatever you want to call it. I tossed it in the wash and you can now see the quilted design a little better.

Baby Doll Bag @ Sewfrench

18 month olds are very much into putting things in to other things. They are working on fine motor skills and their hand eye coordination is improving. I think this serves all those learning categories well.

Baby Doll Wrap at Sewfrench

I can’t wait to play baby dolls with sweet little Amelia!

Thanks, Allison, for the idea!

Linking up with:
Crazy Mom Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop
Weekend Retreat

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11 Responses to The thing about reading blogs…

  1. I love what you made. Very cute idea. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is perfect for my daughter, who is also 18 mo. Thanks for spreading this idea! I probably have to make 2 so big brother doesn’t take it

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a lovely idea. They do love putting things into things and what better than a baby doll in a sleeping bag.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mtetar says:

    What a unique shape. Blessings Always, Mtetar


  5. Very cute and toddler friendly! Love the binding!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. How cute! And it looks like a super quick project.


  7. Beautiful, my daughter is 5 but I think she would use one for her baby too.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sandra says:

    Oh I hear you about reading others’ blogs… It takes you in directions you never knew you needed to go. All good, however, n’est-ce pas?! I remember the sleeping bags my girls had for their dollies. Ahh. Grandchildren, now, are just the very best! I have one, a 6-year-old grandson, for whom I just bought some Spiderman fabric from Fat Quarter Shop…


  9. So cute! Your granddaughter will love it! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!


  10. Julie Fukuda says:

    Yes indeed! And I am glad to see kids still enjoy play with dolls. After all, it was my dolls who got me into sewing at the ripe old age of four!


  11. Amanda says:

    I just saw this post…so sweet! Aww…I’m glad you are taking good care of Amy for me!


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