Picking up my Maple Leaves

Still plugging along on my Maple Leaf quilt. It is hard to believe I started this in May! But I did. I made the top, from Kona cotton in my stash then got side-tracked. One of the reasons I put it aside is because I wasn’t sure how I wanted to quilt it. It had to “come to me”. And it did. I decided to hand quilt it in the Baptist Fan pattern. I think it needed the texture and curves to soften the pattern. I am loving the way it is feeling.

Maple Leaves by Sewfrench

I drew up a plastic template with my lines at 1″ intervals and an extra line 1/4″ above the last one, at the top of each fan. That adds up to each fan being 9 1/4″ tall. I couldn’t find a pattern or directions that recommended a certain size/width/dimension so I just winged it. I used my water erasable blue pen and marked the entire top before sandwiching it and then pin basting it. Marking, before pinning, saves so much frustration what with the template and the pins not playing well together. In my eyes, I nailed exactly what I was looking for.

And while looking back at when I created this top, I realize it was during the last Blogger’s Quilt Festival. My prize, for winning, was a $100 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics, one of my very, very favorite online fabric stores. I have bragged before about their fabulous customer service. Well, I had not used it yet. I think I was waiting to buy something really special, as my prize, and it just “hadn’t come to me”, yet. Then I got a sweet email from Kathy encouraging me to use it with a bonus 10% off their lowest prices, for regular customers. Imagine my surprise, when I went to their website to find out everything was 30% off and they were going out of the fabric business while liquidating everything! I then spent the next two hours filling my shopping basket with $100 worth of goodies. The discount is now 40% off for everyone.

Pink Chalk fabric couponNow, hurry and go see what they have left!

Let’s Be Social

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10 Responses to Picking up my Maple Leaves

  1. mtetar says:

    Represents the Fall well. It’s beautiful. Blessings Always, Mtetar


  2. It’s nice to see your lovely hand stitching and this is a nice pattern …reminds me of the autumn winds that come and blow the leaves off of the trees 🙂


  3. Kathy says:

    Good thing you went shopping before they went out of the fabric business altogether! I hope you’ll share your “haul” when it’s delivered.


  4. Colleen says:

    beautiful WIP ! I’m sad about them going out of the fabric business as well. Great customer service and I loved their “what goes with what”


  5. Debbie says:

    Love your maple leaf quilt! And about Pink Chalk – so sad for me – one of my favorite online shops…


  6. carla bynum says:

    Hi!!!! It is very pretty and I love the quilting!!!! Wow!!!!


  7. Judy says:

    Your quilting is fabulous! Such a beautiful quilt and the quilting pattern is perfect! I agree, sometimes we just have to wait until the right design ‘comes’ 🙂


  8. France says:

    I see that you’ve made maple leaves too! Quite different from my little coasters, though. Yours make a beautiful quilt and I agree about your choice of curving lines for the quilting. It does indeed soften the sharp points.


  9. You were right… Those Baptist fans are the perfect quilting motif for the maples! Looks fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Filling in the Gap | Sewfrench

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