WIP Wednesday #10

Just back from another road trip and it looks like I might have made big progress on the hand quilting, of this quilt.

With just under 2000 miles, over the last 2 weeks, we had an incredibly good time and I’m now up to 90% finished on my Houndstooth quilt.  That’s the thing about hand quilting.  It’s a take everywhere kind of project.  Besides doesn’t everyone need a lap quilt on a road trip?  It might as well be a WIP, don’t you think?  I need to catch up on a few recorded shows and I’ll be done in no time.  Surely I can have a finish next week!

I’ve also been working on documenting my quilt finishes from over the years.  Stay tuned to see the evolution of my style, LOL!

p.s. Be sure and click the WIP button above and see what everyone else has been working on!  Talented people doing lots of great work!

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10 Responses to WIP Wednesday #10

  1. Krista says:

    love houndstooth. i seriously need to make one of these, now! pattern looks pretty simple so it might just happen. found you via WIP wed. quilt looks great!


    • sewfrench says:

      Thanks Krista! I had drooled over it for a while before I broke down and started cutting.
      It is pretty simple, easy blocks. Just pay attention to how you sew them together. It’s really easy to get the striped blocks turned wrong, even just here and there and then you get to pick it all out. If you like picking stitches out, this could easily be the quilt for you! Hopefully you find all the screwy one before you start quilting, LOL!
      I’ll be so glad when this is finished and I do love it, too!


  2. Kimberlee at SD says:

    That quilt is lovely. I love the pattern. Can’t wait to see the completly finishd photo. Visiting from WIP.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 


  3. Toni says:

    Awesome quilt, and I’m super-impressed that you are hand quilting! Love this pattern. It has been on my list to make for a while now. I think I need to bump it up a little after seeing this!


  4. Rachel says:

    Beautiful houndtooth quilt!


  5. chatzakity says:

    Yo sexy lady! You ought to start selling these, they are amazing!


  6. Heidi says:

    I LOOOVE this! I have to make something like that for my boys! Very masculine, but I think any girl would love it too (like me!)


  7. It’s beautiful! Congrats on the progress and the hand quilting! (something I have yet to try)


  8. That is so impressive that you are hand quilting that beautiful houndstooth! Wow! Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting, Lori. I usually reply directly by e-mail, but it was saying that you are a no-reply blogger. I love the idea of the rucksack you made for your kids! Also a great idea for something to put badges on. Thanks for sharing it with me!


Talk to me people. I get tired of talking to myself!