Honoring Those Who Served ~ Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day. The freedoms that we enjoy are not free. Many brave men and women in uniform have sacrificed so that we can live as we do. Today is the day that we should thank them. Traditionally at 11-11-11 (11th Month,11th Day,11th Hour) tribute is given to all veterans. Please take time during your day and thank those that have given so much for this nation.

I recently made, and gifted, this Beachy Stars and Stripes Quilt, A Quilts of Valor registered quilt, to a dear friend as a small token of my appreciation for all she, and her family, have sacrificed.

We think of what it means to be free and what it takes to maintain that freedom… We thank you for your service, your dedication and the sacrifice you and your families have made on behalf of us, our country and for Freedom.

Stars and Stripes
A Quilts of Valor Quilt
Made for a dear friend who is a true hero
64″ x 80″

Quilt design by Thimbleblossoms, background fabric is a Wilmington Prints from their Cookie Dough Collection, backing is a Minnick and Simpson fabric from their Harbor Springs Collection, batting is Quilter’s Dream Request in cotton.

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